Can I cancel my order?

If you wish to cancel your COD orders, notify us within 24 hours of placing your order and we will cancel it.
However for a made to order article, if you have deposited the advance and then you wish to cancel your order, we wont be able to refund and wont adjust your payment in any other article.

Which payment methods do you accept?

We offer COD and Bank deposits for articles which are in stock. However if a new article has to be made on order, we take 70% advance via bank deposit, the remaining 30% you can pay via COD. No order is confirmed without advance payment. Please carefully review our returns and exchange policies.
We confirm all orders placed on our website by calling the numbers provided. Details can be discussed when we speak with you.

How many days are required for shipping?

Shipping varies from product to product. Each of our article is made with utmost care & detail and some need more time than others. Exact shipping information is provided on product page and will be visible while you checkout.